Stopping children from playing is as impossible a task as it can get. They jump, run and play without stopping, with the consequent danger of falling down and risking injuries. If you have children, surely you have ended up in the dentist’s office for a broken tooth which was a result of their games. Do you want to know the main causes of childhood dental injuries, and how to act to prevent these problems?
One of the most common consultations in our children’s clinic are dental injuries, which lead many parents to request an urgent visit. Only caries outweigh injuries as a cause of pediatric dental care, especially in preschool age. Specialized pediatric dentists will assess your child’s trauma and apply the most appropriate treatment for your case.

Many parents believe that they should not worry about baby teeth, since they are temporary. Therefore, they do not act in case of tooth decay or injuries. Nothing can be further from reality than this belief. If your child suffers from an injury to their baby teeth, they should be treated by a pediatric dentist who personally assesses the problem and applies the appropriate solution. In this way, you will avoid future problems with the appearance of the final denture.
The child’s own motor development in its first years of life is one of the main reasons for trauma to the teeth. In this period, children begin to discover their first independence movements, walking, bending down and standing up. This significantly increases the risk of an accidental injury. Also, between the ages of 6 and 12 children begin to play more violent games and sports, which also represents another rebound in trauma to the teeth. The same happens with falls by bicycle. Children who suffer from epilepsy are also more likely to suffer from dental trauma, due to the appearance of the seizure process. In short, children’s activities are the main cause of dental injuries during their childhood, but we must also take into account that teeth that protrude forward or are weaker and break more easily.
If your child has received a blow to the face and has a dental injury, it is important that you get immediate attention. In this way, it is possible to evaluate the possible consequences of the problem and apply the appropriate treatment. Pediatric dentists will perform the necessary clinical and radio logical examinations to ensure that the child does not have lesions in the tissues and mucous membranes of the mouth.